Friday 19 November 2010

Damn the Whole World!

I've opened up a free account at WordPress. Unfortunately, thewholedamnworld was already taken. Possibly by me, while drunk. So I've gone for damnthewholeworld instead.

Feel free to take a look. I've done a post there.  The name suggests nihilism or at least pessimism, and as such is taking me towards something more overtly political, and I'm feeling both more politically motivated than usual, and at the same time more disillusioned than usual, it seems appropriate to do this, if I do anything at all.

Apologies to Pete and John, who have both taken the time to comment without my taking the time to respond to their comments.

Not got much to say right now, which is why I'm setting up another blog!

Actually, I'm interested in what it can do more than anything. If I like it I will  use it. If I don't, it will languish.

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